Mariah Carey Performs at Giza Pyramids, Egypt

Mariah performed before an enthusiastic crowd of about 3,000 people consisting of Executives and VIP guests in a concert for Etisalat's 3rd Anniversary celebration on Monday, May 17, 2010. The private concert was held at Pyramids Panorama.

Prior to taking the stage (set in the middle of the 3 Giza pyramids), an electrical fire broke out but Mariah saved the day by putting out the fire! She told everyone on Twitter:

Mariah Carey: In Egypt getting ready to go on stage and suddenly there was a surge of power and an electrical fire started under my feet! Wtf?! Naturally,my emergency instincts kicked in and I put out the flames w/a towel. Lol(yet true) The funny thing about this ish is an ol'skool radio station in the other room started playing "aww freak out!"@that exact moment! But other than that the trip was a smash... : )

After her concert, Mariah stopped by the pyramids for a few minutes to take some pictures. She also made a stop by the Citadel which was beautifully lit at night and then went straight back to her hotel. She is scheduled to leave Egypt on Tuesday, May 18th at 7:00am Cairo time.

01. It's Like That
02. Dreamlover
03. Shake It Off
04. Touch My Body
05. I'll Be There with Trey Lorenz
06. Emotions
07. Always Be My Baby
08. Honey
09. My All
10. Obsessed
11. We Belong Together
12. Hero
13. Without You

CONCERT TIDBITS [Thanks to Chadi!]
• After the first song ("It's Like That"), she said that she was so excited being in Egypt for the first time. She looks behind her at the pyramids and says, "Wow! I can't believe I'm standing here. I mean you guys you're maybe used to it, but us [points to Trey Lorenz] 'that man comes from a town with 300 people only' then follows by saying, 'And I'm from New York.'

• When "Dreamlover" was over, she said that the organizer for the party told her to perform classics due to the crowd being older. But she says, "I have to do this," and starts singing "Shake It Off."

• At the end of "I'll Be There," Mariah and Trey kept singing to each other after the "call my name " part. Trey sings: "Mariah, they are in such a good mood..."

• After "I'll Be There," Mariah left the stage for a break while Trey performed "Rock With You." She comes back with "Emotions" and says, "I don't know if you remember this, from my second album." She hit all the notes live!

• "I'm gonna do something I wrote with JD. Maybe you're familiar with it." Sings "Always Be My Baby."

• "I don't know if you guys know it, but it's from the Butterfly album, my favorite album. It's actually my favorite music video." Performs "Honey."

• "Let's start with the guitar!" Then "My All" starts.

• After singing "Obsessed," she starts talking to Trey about the next song, "Remember this song? The song of the decade, right? How many weeks at number one, Trey? Remind me." Trey goes, "16? 17?" Then she says, "I don't know how we did it!" Then she starts off with "We Belong Together."

• The final two songs were "Hero," and "Without You." Mariah didn't change, she wore the same black dress all throughout the show. Check out a video clip of Mariah's superb performance of "Without You" below!


Mojoe Kayed (Producer, PR Powerhouse): "I just got back from Mariah's Etisalat event at the Pyramids and I have to say is, WOW! I managed to catch the event last minute after literally stepping off my plane coming from Bahrain straight to the Pyramids area. The stage was set deep down the valley in the middle of the heart of the 3 pyramids. Amazing scenery. The event opened with an ancient pharoanic show followed by a dance performance by Riverdance. Then finally after much anticipation Mariah came out to the 3000 roaring crowd working the stage to "It's Like That." She looked amazing & gorgeous in a hip hugging black dress. Though it was freezing cold since it's practically desert, Mariah sounded ON POINT! Never missing a note and belting her heart out. The set was relatively short. About 8 songs but mainly the hits. I'll Be There with Trey, My All, Obsessed, etc. I wish it could have been longer but given it was a corporate event, it was still amazing. You can't beat being in the presence of a legend like Mariah in a legendary historic spot like the Pyramids."

Chadi Labib: "It was the best day of my friggin' life! I still can't process the idea that I was first row infront of Mariah watching her sing infront of the pyramids. The Etisalat event was a very high budget, luxury occasion! The whole thing was done in the middle of the desert infront of the 3 famous pyramids of Giza! It started at 9pm, they had several shows going on like River dance, etc. and then we had a fancy dinner which ended at 1am! Then the part I was dying for came! So picture the view: open air, seated dinner, amphitheatre, a perfect view of the stage with two huge screens, the stage is exactly infront of the 3 pyramids with a panoramic view - so majestic! At 1am, they announce the next show which was Mariah. They gave a small intro about her music career and then the lighting system turned on and music started! Then the moment that I couldn't believe Mariah entering the stage, 'How ya doin'?' she shouted! After 'Hero,' I thought that was the end so I ran to try to get a picture with her before she leaves. When I got behind the stage and saw her car, waiting, I heard her starting to sing 'Without You' so I was torn between waiting infront of the car or going back to watch her sing. So a 3rd option appeared. I found that I was standing infront of the stairs to the stage so I snuck and went onto the stage and I was actually watching her sing 'Without You' THAT close! I still can't believe it! I felt that I was dreaming. I didn't pay attention to the song at all. I was focused to try and take a picture with her. My heart was racing like crazy and the moment came and she was getting out. Of course, the security was like a wall surrounding her. I was that close and I took a close up picture but she didn't respond to our requests to take pics on her way to the car. But on stage she was sooo interactive. She was perfect! She seemed so excited about singing infront of the pyramids so it gave her the energy to pull it off perfectly!"


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