Mariah Carey's Family and BFF ^_^

Hi Lambies,,
I’ll introduce some very important persons in Mariah's life to you. Members of her family and close friends including me of course,,

Mariah's Mom - Patricia Carey 
Mariah's mother was born as Patricia Hickey in Illinois / USA as the daughter of Irish immigrants. Patricia never got to know her father, because he died before her birth. She grew up with a strict catholic education and discovered her musical talent, that was given to her by her father as a child. She later went to New York to work at the New York City Opera, New York also was the city Patricia met Mariah's father, Alfred Roy Carey. When they married Pat got disowned by her family, her mother was the only person who knew of Pat's relationship to the part black Alfred, and after she even had the priest talk to her daughter, she forbid Pat to talk about her marriage or her children. Another proof of her disapproval of her daughter relationship to a black man are different harsh remarks she made towards the couple. She once gave Alfred a bar of soap for christmas for example.
After she got divorced from Alfred, Pat had to keep several jobs to earn a living for her children and herself, she worked as an opera singer, a jazz singer, a vocal coach and as a pet shop's manager.
Patricia was the person who discovered and supported Mariah's talent, when the then 3 years old Mariah sang the Italian opera "Rigoletto" perfectly, after Pat missed her part. Mariah always described the relationship to her mother as a very close one, she says they always traded off, "Sometimes she was the mother and sometimes I was." In an interview with MTV she also called her mom her "eternal little sister". Today Pat is not only Mariah’s mother but one of her closest friends, they have a very close contact. And according to Mariah they talk to each other on the phone daily.

Mariah's father - Alfred Roy Carey 
Alfred Roy Carey is the son of a native Venezuelan, whose real name is Roberto Nunez, he changed it to Robert Carey, when he immigrated to the USA. Mariah's relationship to her father was not very close, because her parents split up, when she was only 3.
In contrast to Patricia Alfred used to be very strict one example is a story Mariah told in an interview with "Rolling Stone" magazine - Alfred didn't allow anyone to talk during dinner expect for when that person was spoken to. One night Mariah was humming during dinner and Alfred said "There won't be any singing at this table", so little Mariah got up, walked into the living room, climbed on the table and continued singing there as loud as she could.
Alfred moved to Washington D.C. and worked as an aeronal engineer there. According to Mariah her father doesn't know about his daughter's success. "He thinks I've had one album. Honestly, he doesn't know any of my songs!" Mariah and her mother jokingly called that album "THE album". After their parents divorced, Mariah's older sister Alison moved with her father, while Mariah and her older brother Morgan stayed with their mom.
Mariah is looking for her late grandfather's familiy for some time now, because Alfred's family also was against the connection between him and the white Patricia and they lost contact.
On July 4th 2002 Alfred lost his battle to cancer. When Mariah heard of her dad's situation she stopped working on her album in Capri and flew to New York to be with her father.
Birth                       : USA, October 23, 1929
Death                    : Suffolk City, New York, USA, July 4, 2002
Cause of death    : Cancer
Burial                     : Unknown
Specifically            : Sufflock Country, New York

Survived by his wife Patricia Carey two daughters, Mariah Carey, Alison Carey and on son Morgan Carey he will be missed!

Mariah's brother - Morgan Carey
Mariah's brother Morgan Carey is 9 years older than Mariah. During his childhood and youth Morgan suffered from epilepsie. He grew up together with Mariah at Patricia after their parents got divorced, even if he didn't spend a long time with his mother and sister because he left for college when he was 17. When Mariah graduated and moved to Manhattan, she lived in Morgan's apartment for a while, coz at that time he was doing some model jobs in Italy. Well, we don't know that much about Morgan, he probably lives in Los Angeles and works as a fitness coach there. He also fitted out the fitness room in Mariah's first own apartment, which she doesn't use to often according to Mariah herself :)

Mariah's sister - Alison Scott
Alison Scott is Mariah's 11 years older sister, she lived with her dad after their parents got divorced. Later she married and gave birth to her first son Shawn when she was 18. 10 years later the second son Michael was born. The international press wrote different stories about Alison, e.g. there were speculations about drugs, prostitution and AIDS. Fact is that Alison got infacted with HIV when Michael was born and that she also got to know the dark sides of life. Alison talked about that herself in different interviews after Mariah and Patrica flighted for Michael's custody, to make sure he'll have a childhood full of love. In whatever ways Alison was or is a drug addicted, is probably just her own thing.

Mariah's nephew - Shawn McDonald 
Shawn McDonald is Mariah's oldest nephew and Alison's oldest son. He's just 7 years younger than Mariah and finished studying law at Harvard University in Cambridge successfully this summer (2002). He now is a lawyer in New York and his dream is to be a senator one day. Shawn grew up with his father Richard, because his parents got divorced when he was 2 years old. Mariah and Shawn are very close and Mariah also supports him financial for his studies. Shawn said, that he owes Mariah very much, coz she taught him, that he could achieve whatever dream he has if he just believes in it. In High School Shawn played football and today he has 2 apartments in Boston and New York. Shawn also could be seen in Mariah's clip for "Can't Take That Away" btw.

Mariah's nephew - Michael
Michael is Alison's youngest son and Shawn's younger half brother. He was born in 1987 and grew up at Patricia after a lawsuit about his custody which happened between Alison and Pat and Mariah. Michael also had a cameo on Mariah's movie "Glitter". He is the boy that Dice interrupts on the phone to make Billie call her friends when her song is on the radio for the first time.

Mark Sudack
Mark Andrew Sudack, 34 years old and photographer - that's the man on Mariah's side. Grown up in New York as the child of well-off parents, Mark first worked for L.A.Reid who took him with him when becoming the new boss of Mariah's record label and so Mister Sudack became Mariah's home photographer. While he traveled the world with Mariah and her team during the Charmbracelet World Tour, both obviously got closer and now the pretty man of Jewish descent is Mariah's new loverboy.

Trey Lorenz
"Ya know, Trey comes from Florence / South Carolina which is home of the fish sandwiches!" With that sentence Mariah always introduces one of her best friends and background singers - Trey Lorenz. Trey was born on January 19th 1969 (in Florence of course :p), his mother Bernice works as a history teacher, his father Lloyd is the director of a local job-training program. Trey took voice- and piano lessons when he was growing up. Later he sang back up for the band "The Player" which had a few Top40 hits in the USA.
Mariah and Trey Lorenz got to know each other in 1988 during recordings for Mariah's first album, Trey then was majoring advertising at the Farleigh Dickinson University. He was member of the band "Squeak & The Deep" back then, which according to Trey was "only together for a minute." Mariah immediately loved Trey's unusual voice and between the two of them a deep friendship developed. Till now Trey worked together with Mariah on almost every album of hers. In 1992 his till now only own album had been released, he worked together with Mariah for 4 songs there. Besides his song "Make You Happy" was featured on the "Men In Black" soundtrack, Mariah also sang back-up for this song, but she used the nickname "HoneyBfly". Until now, Trey doesn't have a record deal despite his great voice, and even though he even had a #1 hit together with Mariah when they covered the Jackson 5 song "I'll Be There" in 1992.
Today Trey accompanies Mariah as background singer when she's on tour or promotion. And when both perform a duet, it's always something special, coz as Mariah said they "have so many private jokes, that I can never can get through it and neither can Trey."
For more information, photos and lyrics to Trey's songs, check out Trey Lorenz - our own Trey website. unserer eigenen Trey-Website.

Josefine Sundkvist
A very good friend of Mariah is Josefine. They got to know each other when Mariah was 14 years old, Josi was 16 and in dated Mariah's brother Morgan back then. Josi and Morgan separated later, but she and Mariah still stayed friends. When Mariah moved to New York in 1997, they shared a small apartment together with 2 other girls and 9 cats. :) Josefine is Swedish and she lives there, too. She's married and after she has written some children-books, she now is casting director of an advertising agency.

Shawntae Harris (Da Brat)
Shawntae Harris, probably better known as Da Brat, is another good friend of Mariah. They met when Mariah recorded the remix for "Always Be My Baby" together with JD, escape and Brat in 1996. Da Brat said, that she was extremely nervous and she couldn't stop giggling, but she thought that Mariah was very cool and she really liked her. By now, Da Brat also worked with Mariah on songs like the "Heartbreaker Remix" or the "Loverboy Remix" and she'll also play the role of Billie's friend Louise in mariah's first big movie "Glitter".

Mary Ann Tatum
Mary Ann Tatum sings back-up for Mariah since the "Butterfly" album and she also is a close friend of hers since that time. Mary Ann should be known to most of Mariah's fans as well, since she could be heard in several voice messages already and you could also see her on the MTV show "Cribs", lambs from the USA might even know her from some radio interviews Mariah did.
Since Mary Ann's voice sounds very similar to Mariah's, Mariah spread some confusion over the internet with the help of Mary Ann. She let her record a song called "Everytime" and spread some rumors saying this was a song from her then upcoming album "Glitter".

Theresa "ReRe" Inabinett
The most unusual fact about Mariah's friendship to ReRe probably is, that ReRe used to be a fan of Mariah and she wrote her touching letters each day. So one day Mariah decided to get to know that fan and now the two of them are close friends. ReRe also works for Maroon Entertainment, Mariah's own managing company. You could also see ReRe on the MTV show "Cribs" where she did an imitation of Mariah sleeping. Besides ReRe sang in the background for Mariah's song "All My Life".

Jasmine Dotiwala
Jasmine Dotiwala is a VJ and producer for MTV Europe, besides she writes columns for the British magazines "The Voice", "Eastern Eye" and more and also she has her own radio show on the British radio station. "ChoiceFM" each Friday night. Jasmine started working for TV right after finishing university, she first hosted a breakfast show and later got hired by MTV. Her work also was the reason to meet Mariah. In 1998 her boss told her she was flying to Capri to interview Mariah Carey and Jasmine wasn't too excited about that. She probably read too many tabloids. Here's what Jasmine had to say about her first encounter with Mariah: "I fully expected to hate her but she was so real and genuine that I was won over and I'm a very hard person to impress." Jasmine also could be heard on two of Mariah's voice messages and since then is sort of a bond between Mariah and her fans.

Roc Raiff
Jasmine Dotiwala is a VJ and producer for MTV Europe, besides she writes columns for the British magazines "The Voice", "Eastern Eye" and more and also she has her own radio show on the British radio station. "ChoiceFM" each Friday night. Jasmine s
As y'all know Mariah loves animals, but she especially loves her Jack Russell Terrier Jack, whose real name is Jackson P. Mutley in fact. :) Mariah got Jack from her ex-hubby Tommy Mottola in 1993 and since then he's always by her side. Jack loves water and he could already be seen in the clips for "Dreamlover" and "Always Be My Baby" - of course in the water always. :) Mariah had him with her during TV shows and concerts as well.


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